Mynd af Sigurjóni Ólafssyni. Ljósmyndari: Dagur Gunnarsson
Sigurjón Ólafsson

My name is Sigurjón Ólafsson. I have been working in digital, PR and communications since 1997. Today I work as a division manager of service and development in Hafnarfjörður, the the third largest Icelandic municipality, wher I have lead a successful digital transformation. In the period 1 February to 1 August 2024 I am on leave from my duties in Hafnarfjörður and work as a digital consultant. 

For six years, 2013-2019, I ran my own business as an independent web consultant – Fúnksjón. I was an adjunct lecturer in web communication at the University of Iceland in 2011-2019.

I analyze websites and intranets, provide help with content, information architecture, user experience (UX) and writing for the web. I teach and organize seminars about web management, writing for the web and UX.

Since 2011 I have published articles (in Icelandic) on this website about web development, web design, intranets, usability, information architecture, writing for the web, content strategy, web management and related subjects.

In 2015 my book: Bókin um vefinn (The Book About the Web) was published. This is a manual for web managers and mostly based on my blog.

Work and study

I have a M.A. degree in International Relations from the University of Amsterdam and a B.A. degree in Political Science from the University of Iceland. I have taken courses in comparative religion at the University of Iceland.

In August 2013 I started my own business as an independent web consultant – Fúnksjón web consultancy – after 16 years in web management.

I was a part-time lecturer in web management in School of Humanities at the University of Iceland and teaches courses in the Continuing Education at the same university.

I am a proud ambassador for Iceland for EuroIA, European Information Architects.

Companies I have worked for include Íslandsbanki, University of Iceland, Kaupthing Bank, PricewaterhouseCoopers and the Icelandic Maritime Institution.

During the Kaupthing years the bank’s corporate website was ranked the best bank website in Sweden in 2007 and the best Icelandic corporate website in 2006 and 2007 according to the international KWD Webranking. My team also gained recognition for delivering one of the 10 world’s best intranets, according to the report of Nielsen Norman Group in 2009.

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Speaking engagements

I have held number of talks at conferences and seminars in Iceland over the years. I have also participated in conferences in Scotland, Sweden, Faroe Islands and Denmark.



Contact information

Sigurjón Ólafsson
tel: +354 664 5505
Twitter: @sigurjono

Last updated / revised 1 February 2024